Bourret Township
Monthly Meeting Minutes
Sue called the meeting to order with pledge of allegiance at 7:00pm, all board members were present Sue Morgan- supervisor, Lisa Ball- clerk, Ruth Fournier-treasurer, Jeff Fournier and Donnie Hunt both trustee’s, we also had Keith Ponak township assessor along with Doug Hackel with Wildwood Fire Department.
Sue called for a motion to accept the minutes from December Lisa motion to accept ruth seconded MC, Lisa motioned to accept the bills paid ruth seconded MC, Lisa motioned to accept Treasurer’s report Jeff seconded MC,
There was a motion from sue to stop paying out to clean our hall( sue stated she would do it to save hall money) Ruth seconded MC, Sue motioned to accept Margaret to Board Of Review and to go to training Ruth seconded MC, There was a motion from Lisa to accept the payment to an Attorney regarding the renovation of our hall Sue seconded MC.
Tammy O’Donnell County Commissioner came in with county updates she stated 39 people applied for CDBG -grant (chill grant) she stated 39 people applied 34 will be getting help 5 were rejected (land contract not approved).
The broad band committee has been working on a new plan for our community she will keep us updated.
With no further business to conduct Ruth motioned to adjourn Lisa seconded MC, meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Sue called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm all board members were present Sue Morgan-
supervisor, Lisa Ball- clerk, Ruth Fournier - treasurer, Jeff Fournier and Donnie Hunt both
trustees, Keith Ponak the township assessor along with Doug Hackel with wildwood fire
Sue asked for motion to accept the minutes from november ruth motioned lisa seconded MC,
lisa motioned to accept the bills paid ruth seconded MC, lisa motioned to accept the treasurer
report jeff seconded MC, There was a roll call vote to accept the 2025 state poverty guidelines
all board members voted “yea” MC. there was a motion to replace all locks on doors in hall lisa
motioned to accept jeff seconded MC, there was a motion to accept the new elected officials to
MTA training ruth motion to accept lisa seconded MC, There was a motion to accept the raising
prices of hall rental $100.00 deposit with $100.00 fee.
Sue stated she was checking into the amendment for the grant money she has gotten for our
hall, energy efficient grant.
With no further business to conduct Lisa motioned to adjourn Ruth seconded MC meeting
adjourned 7:30pm.
Lisa ball clerk
Tony called meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance at 7:00pm all board members were present Tony Marshall- supervisor, Lisa Ball- clerk, Ruth Fournier- treasurer, Sue Morgan and Terry Bruce both Trustee’s. Keith Ponak township assessor along with Doug Hackel with Wildwood Fire department, There were 14 residents along with Tammy O’donald county commissioner.
Tony asked for motion to accept minutes from september sue motioned to accept ruth seconded MC, Lisa motioned to accept the bills paid sue seconded MC, ruth made motion to accept the treasurer report sue seconded MC, There was a motion for ruth to go to treasurer training in gaylord this with the fee of $130.00 lisa made motion to accept sue second MC, There also was a motion to give the BOR a pay raise to $13.00 an hour.
Bourret Township will be accepting sealed plowing bids with a copy of insurance provided.(any bids can be given to any board member).
Tammy O’Donald county commissioner came with monthly county updates. She stated there's a broadband application pending for federal grant, she also stated that four lakes is having a webinar, lawsuit still pending. MMP recycling is having a meeting in gladwin friday 18th at 10:30 am in the commissioners room at county building.
Council of local Government is having their annual Harvest Dinner located at sage twp. Hall doors open at 6:30pm please bring a dish to pass.
There was a motion from lisa to accept the election workers Martha Letts election commissioner Lois Bergquest Marie Baumgras Linda Thomson workers lisa office hours. Ruth seconded MC,
We had Karen Tomczyk come talk to our residents she running for 55th circuit judge for Clare/Gladwin county, she stated she's been a general practitioner for 12 years she stated she’s not a politician and that there's a lot of things she's not happy within the court system if elected would ask for input from others she wants to eliminate unnecessary courts dates.
With no further business to conduct tony asked for motion to adjourn lisa motioned to adjourn sue seconded MC meeting adjourned 7:30pm.
Check out our proposed minutes to be viewed by residents prior to the next scheduled board meeting or the calendar under board members for important dates.